Sunday, March 16, 2008

Little Kiana

I promised Stephanie to make a portrait of her little babygirl .I really love to draw children. Babies are something different, because they are so fragile and to put that fragility on paper is something hard to do. But I will give it a try and do my utmost.

I will show you how I started. Again it’s not yet finished, but I just want to show how I work and maybe fellow artists who pass by will critique or might learn (though I prefer the latter, the first would be more usefull for me personaly). I will definitely finish this portrait, since I promised it and to me promises are sacred. I intend to finish it by the end of the week and hopefully I will succeed in it.

First you have the reference picture of little Kiana. I just loved the eyes and the way they smiled to me in the picture.

And this is how far I am for the moment (after 4 hours of dedicated work – I know I know I am slow) Weekends are always so difficult to draw when a young toddler constantly wants to play with you and your husband is also craving for attention. Anyway I think starting the day after tomorrow I will definitely get in full speed to finish the portrait. Tomorrow some boring tasks are waiting for me to be finished so I cant continue then :(

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